Sunday, October 24, 2021

Getting closer...

Perhaps I won't be a Giraffe, not even a Little Owl after all. I might just become a double headed Eagle... that is the contrada of the Aquila, or to be toffee-nosed about it: La Nobile Contrada Dell' Aquila. One of the four  contradas that can boast the title of 'Noble', bestowed on Aquila by Charles V of Habsburg, visiting Siena in 1536, apparently. 

Nothing is decided yet,  but it looks as if the puzzle pieces are suddenly falling into place. Every sign post is pointing to what we have named 'the Office',  because it has been  used as an office by the Siena town council.  It has been close to my heart from the very beginning,  situated in the 13th c. Palazzo Patrizi, Via di Citta,  It is very large- it has no outside space but who needs that when you are literally a stone throw away from the Campo? 

After an exciting  meeting with Paolo, the architect who has undertaken a preliminary investigation with the town council regarding permits, structural restrictions etc. the news were good- it would be possible to go ahead. It would take quite some time- if we are lucky we could open it by Christmas 22...

But meanwhile I could go in and paint the walls- I have great difficulty sleeping at night now- too many ideas of what to do with this place which is more or less a blank canvas- at least the walls.

More about this when/if  it is settled... 


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