Sunday, October 10, 2021

When Summer left; friends arrived and the Sienese lunched en Masse...


I took my evening stroll last night in a newly autumnal Siena and encountered a spectacular evening sky at the Valdimontone contrada head quarter just around the corner, which boasts one of Siena’s best views.  While contemplating the beauty of the city in awe I thought of the absorbing past week with its sights, reunions, and the never-ending cavalcade of Sienese events. 

During the last week we seemingly went from summer to winter in one fell swoop. When Les and Patty from Minnesota visited me at the beginning of the week people were walking around in t-shirts and sandals- we ate outside and so did everyone else in that last fling of summer. 


By Wednesday when Ralf and Rose had arrived from Germany the temperature had dropped by ten degrees and we wrapped up and our dinners took place inside the restaurants, with waiters checking the ’green pass’, a controversial issue here, which has caused heated demonstrations in many Italian cities: to have to show a vaccination certificate is regarded by some as a 'Fascist' measure. 


My walk last night took me past the Nicchio (the Shell) contrada, not far from here. The drop in temperature had seemingly not put them off, because they were preparing for their yearly lunch in the street in front of their church, and I decided to return today to observe a little from a distance.


I walked through town this morning as is my habit- I have never walked so much in my life! Siena is perfectly formed for walking – nothing is too far away. Everything within the city walls is reachable with half an hour’s walk. I came across the Leocorne (The Unicorn)  contrada  and they too were preparing for their great neighbourhood lunch. 


On my way back home I passed the Nicchio lunch which was in full swing! 



  1. Ah yes, I remember the many cenas. Hot or cold, Siena will always be beautiful! One Xmas it was blanketed in fog which eventually cleared to reveal the deepest blue skies and raked perspectives.

  2. You were here for Christmas- how lovely. Hope you will join me again!


Football and Cataracts

I am not always a football fan. It happens every two years, for the World Cup or Euro Cup, just  like for so many others. But nevertheless, ...