Wednesday, August 17, 2022

''Thunderstorm Warning for Italy. Toscana Severe Weather Expected"

 That is what it says, ominously,  on the weather forecast for today.
 And yesterday the Palio was postponed because the skies opened just before the Corteo Storico  was about to start.
The umbrellas above, however, were first used for a different function by  those  patient and expectant crowds who had installed themselves since early morning at the Campo, in order to get a good viewing spot. The umbrellas were to  protect from the hot sun which streamed down all morning...


           There were many disappointments- my lovely young English guests Theo and Will had to leave this morning without seeing the Palio... but they were with me for the great dinner in the ONDA Contrada and enjoyed the Provas and even got to see the charge of the mounted Carabinieri, so they left with some good memories I believe...

According to the Corriere di Siena, there have been 37 postponements of the Palio since 1655. When it happens, a green flag is put up on the Palazzo Pubblico. Four times the postponement has had to last for two days because of severe weather.

 Who knows what will happen this afternoon. I am all packed for my trip to Mali, leaving on the bus for Rome tonight. I will have time to see the Palio, which, if it runs, is expected at 18.40 this evening...more later!


  1. To Mali??? Is it safe? The news we get from Bamako are rather frightening! But lucky you: you're not french!!! Have a safe trip and... enjoy! Kanbufo!

  2. I wonder who this is? It just says anonymous... Safe? Well, it depends what you mean by safe... Bamako is safe I believe, and we have been as far as Segou, but for the first time no Djenne this time. More in a blog post in a minute...

  3. Désolée pour la signature anonyme. C'est Monique et Pascal. On a toujours des problèmes bizarres pour laisser nos messages.
    Bon séjour et à bientôt à te lire.

  4. They're wearing onda scarves - I still have mine (made of God knows what synthetic material). Do I gather one is the son of Nick Mellor? How time flies...


Football and Cataracts

I am not always a football fan. It happens every two years, for the World Cup or Euro Cup, just  like for so many others. But nevertheless, ...