Monday, September 26, 2022

So, what has happened?


Well, for a start, a couple of hours after I wrote the last entry, my friend Zsuzsa called from London- the Queen had just died... with all that brought with it, including the day of the funeral, when I was glued to BBC World online. Her passing was truly a milestone and the passing of an era. May she rest in peace- and God Save The King.

From that milestone to a very different one, which happened yesterday- the Italian Elections, with the voting in of the Hard Right and with it the first Italian woman Prime Minister. This was no great surprise, but an unsettling prospect nevertheless...

And we are slowly moving forward with the flat- a combined decision between me and Paolo was to leave the whole central part of the flat open.          


 It was just too wonderful to see it when all the old partitions came down,  revealing  the great open space which will now become the living room, the dining room and the open plan kitchen. My bedroom will now be the most beautiful of the rooms, the one which was previously designated as the dining room, and instead of the kitchen which was to remain the kitchen, it will now become my en-suite bathroom, both with this view:


However, not wanting to selfishly bag the room just for myself, I have decided to have a bedroom which will also be a little sitting room, which can  be used by guests and friends during the day- my bed will be a sort of grand affair;  something with spires, cherubs and red velvet drapes, (think mad King Ludwig of Bavaria)... or the sort of bed people had in their best room in the eighteenth century...and then, at night, I can close the room off and it will be just mine...


Just this moment, however, there is another break in the work. because we are waiting for some building  material - all the plumbing stuff which will go into the floor. There are long delays I have been told. Oh well...                                                                                   

And last night I became a member of the Siena Lion's Club at a dinner which was held to open the new season- the club is more active in the winter months. My friend Antonella is now the President and she gave an introduction to me and my life, which must have sounded like rather a confusing series of events and choices...I also said a couple of words- (In Italian, yes!), then had my little Lion's pin attached by the Master of Ceremonies. 


Meanwhile there has also been plenty of hiking in the glorious Tuscan countryside: 


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