beginning to take shape- the ancient walls have been covered with new plaster, the ceilings are exposed and ready to be painted light grey and it is possible, finally, to have an idea of the finished look of the flat.
Under the ceiling there will be a border of ca 30 cm, in the same colour as the ceiling, running all around the large space of the main room- on this border there will be a horse race! I will once more go back to Eadweard Muybridge's wonderful early photography and use his horses to make stencils- working on that now in London using my old connection in Hatton Garden to engrave the stencils for me.

I could of course make the jockeys into Fantini, wearing the Contrada colours... Hmmm, perhaps?
Below the corner of this large space where the kitchen will go.
Yesss! The finish line is in sight!