Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Uppsala, London, Siena

Well, all things come to an end, including my three weeks as a film star, touring  Swedish cities with Elisabet, the director, for opening nights of the film.  Here she is, below, pretending to be a film star  too, in Uppsala with the composer Hutch, before the first showing of the film at a charming little cinema.

Much fun was had, and much laughter, especially when Hutch pointed out to one of the cinema staff that I was in the film that was about to be shown, and the lady thought I was Penelope Cruz! The resemblance is of course striking...
I left a sunny Sweden, where the leaves were beginning to turn golden and there was arrival of  autumn in the air, and spent a few days in the UK, first a lovely weekend with friends my favourite corner of  Suffolk, 

Then onto London and my Ladbroke Grove flat, where I managed to gather a few friends together for a dinner at that table which has seen so many happy evenings over the last twenty years...

and on the last day of September I finally arrived back in Siena again, after a exactly a month away, and |I observed with some pleasure and surprise  how much it felt like coming home...
Since then my little three room 'auberge' has been well frequented with easy, friendly and non-demanding guests, such as Zoe the tattoo artist from Montana below:

And last Friday we started up the 'Pittura Vocale' again, the little theatre group in embryo, which used to meet up in a freezing cold church last winter, but which will now meet at my flat on Friday nights, under the guidance of Andrea, standing below. We have started to do an Alan Ayckburn play - in Italian- not even quite sure what the name of it is...: a series of monologues on park benches. Quite funny...

Lovely to be back in still warm Siena!


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